Fri 03 Jan
★☆★Exotic freaky ☆Slippery&Tight;★☆★Incall & Outcall Specials☆AvAiℓAвℓє 24/7 Nσω ☆★ - 25
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, ★ Saint Petersburg North★)
EXTREMLY BUSTY BLONDE! 813-812-5612 100% Stress Relief, ReadyNow!Choose The Best! Sexy Only 4U - 30
(HUDSON, Pasco Co, Tampa)
Every Man Loves A Dirty Girl!!!...Kinky, Freaky FUN FUN FUN!!! Let's Play!!! - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Outcalls Tampa/Lakeland/Orlando)
EvErY mAnS dEePiSt FaNtAsY (Ur-DrEaM-gIrL) ...ThE SwEeSt TaStE oF sInN - 23
Come dive waist deep in all this thckness¡ *i go all the way* (50) spcl - 23
(Hillsborough Co, tampa/50th and i-4 (813)4758283)
Come Relax With The Best Brunette In Brandon.... Hot 80 Special - 22
(Hillsborough Co, BRANDON (( incall specials)))
Come Relax Destress and Unwind! Call Jaz, Reviewed, Skilled & Ready! 50 Incall til 8pm - 27
(Hillsborough Co, I75 exit 260..Brandon/Tampa)
Coming To Tampa? You Should Be! Mature Hot 40DD Blonde. Great Reviews! I'm In Tampa ONLY! - 46
(Fort Myers, Hillsborough Co, Sarasota, Tampa, Tia/R.J.Stadium/S.Tpa/International Mall)
Classy,Discreet Exotic Beautiful Latina princess💋💋💋💋.(outcalls only) - 26
(Pinellas Co, st.pete, Tampa)
CHAÈL*Provocative* Perfect 38DDs*Monday*Wesly Chapel* - 36
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Wesly Chapel/North Tampa)
💋🍭【Celebrity ADULT STAR 】💋【SEXY VIDEO PROOF! 】💋【 46EEE bOoBs 】💋【70inch BOOTY! 】💋💋💋【 BBW 】🍭💋 - 33
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Airport Area!! Westshore Blvd)
Blonde *&* beautiful Enjoyment Remembered *Tempest* Fantasies fulfilled! - 27
(Pasco Co, Hudson ave ( Hudson ) in or out calls)
*BeKaH* lM ReaDy NoW*°★°* { 32DD BL0NDE } *☆*°★°*☆* ♡ $65 & $80 SPEClALS♡ *°★°* ((727° 480° 8741)) - 23
(Pinellas Co, @ Eastbay & Us.19... Clearwater)
♥8133470801♥ WOW!!!! S*TU*N*N*I*N*G Available NOW! *40roses spcl :)* NEW PICS!!! - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Close to casino/brando/ybor)
$80 INCALL SPECIAL! MiAmI's FiNeSt ExTrEmElY ExOtIc PaNaMaNiAN MiX FlAt StOmAcH & A BoTtOm To DiE 4! - 19
(Hillsborough Co, Hillsboro County, N. Westshore Blvd)
$80 Special -:¦:- DROP DEAD GORGEOUS -MIXED- EXOTIC BOMBSHELL -:¦:- 321 230 3710 IN/OUT - 21
80HH 🔎 Lets play detective ? 🔍 Come explore my body as i explore yours 😘 160HR - 22
(Hillsborough Co, private and discrete 275& ARMENIA AVE)
{*♥*} $80 Special!!! EXOtiC & VERy PlAyFUlL HOttiE |READy tO ENtERtAiN| {*♥*} - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Dale mabry Hwy)
🎀 🎀,,80 hr everybody3 in 1slip n slide or vip sweeheart full girl friend 100 8am 12amout call 150 - 45
(Pinellas Co, pinellas palm harbor, Tampa)
S U G A R B A B Y * * * C_H_A_S_S_i_T_Y * * * . . . F r e s h & S w e e t Strawberry BLONDE... xoxo* - 19
(San Antonio, *** YOUR PLACE ***)
♥♡♥This Warm Sweet BLONDE Has It All ~ 80Hhr/150Hr♥♡♥ - 26
(Orange County, Irvine Costa Mesa Santa Ana Oc Upscale)
Hot ***New*** Asian ***N ***Town*** From ***CHina***100% Chinese 100%Real Pix - 23
HOT•TIGHT•W◇E◇T•READY!!! ♡♡ U dont know what FIRE is till U've met ♡♡ ~BLAZE~ - 30
(columbia/ashland/new bloomfield/jeff cit, Columbia/Jeff City)
*ExPeRiEnCeD * Up$c@Le * EbOnY * MoDeL ~ *** ~ WeEkEnD * $PeCiAl * ChEcK * oUt* !!!! - 21
(columbia, jeff city, fulton, lake)
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ★ ;:::Exotic ★ ;::: SEDUCTIVE BaD G!RL★ ;::: (sOo ADD¡Ct¡V€ ) * - 21
(Columbia/Jeff City, Columbia & Jeff In & Out)
• ° ★ Be a Good Boy & Come Wear My Sexi Panties • °★ - 20
Sumter 🍫Beauty👄 Ready to please SPECIALS OF UR LIFE!!!!(713)231-6055 Stormy☔ - 26
(Columbia, Sumter)
SEXY CREOLE/BLACK /LATINA FREAK Atlantas finest Dayton Wild in HINESVILLE ..highly reviewed pro - 38
(HINESVILLE, Savannah)
EXCELLENT SERVICE, GREAT RATES, REAL PICTURES ....... (Click Here) Youll Love Me!!!!!!!! - 24
(Columbia, Columbia, Near Columbiana Centre off 26)
👅Click Me 💕Call Me ☎ Enjoy Me👅50 outcalls only 🌸 💛💙💜$ Specials (ARI 💋803-386-4418)☎👅 - 23
(Columbia, Your Place 👅👅💦💦💦💦)
Terriffic Tuesday .....Come see how Missy Mercedes can help you have some fun! - 44
(Louisville, east end)
(Karma) ★ _= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_ ★ _= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_ ★ (Leaving REALLY SOON) - 25
(Louisville, PRESTON HWY (incalls) OUTCALLS 150/200)
{{{♥LeT Me UPGraDe U♥}}} SUPeR SKiLLeD★, MiXeD , 100% INDePeNDeNT!! Da BaDDeST SeXi SeXi MaMi♥♡♥}}} - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
•❤•° LET ME BE YOUR Naúghtÿ LiTTLE BLONDE SECRET °•❤ Extremely SEXY Super HOT & Well REVIEWED - 23
BEST BODY IN THE BUISNESS! TOP NOTCH Reviews! ▒█ ♥ δεnsual 👠💄👠 Reliable 💛 PERFECT🔟Outcalls - 20
(Louisville, Outcalls)
°°SnEaK AwAy & CoMe PlAyೋ °°(( AMAZiNG SkiLLs ))°° ೋ [ *very addictive* ]° ReViEwEd - 21
(**MeNtOr -- InCaLl**)
::*::*::--| Best In Town W/ Excellent Reviews ::|KIMORA|:: * AVAILABLE NOW* 5o2_592_1175 |--::*::*:: - 19
(Louisville, Louisville/Airport (INCALL/OUTCALL))
* Special* with_new_E X O T I C___B o m b s h e l l___ - 24
(Cleveland, incall special)
Sexiest Lorain Lover Kelsy K.🌹REAL Pics 4405412312 - 27
(Cleveland, Lorain Incall only not cleve not)
❤ ███████ ►SEXY BLONDE◄ ████████ ❤ P_E_R_F_E_C_T ★ P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E ▄♥ █ ☆█♥ .▄▄♥ █ ☆█♥ .▄ - 23
(Cleveland, ♥❖NEW EAST INCALL ❖♥ OUT 24/7♥)