Mon 27 Jan
Sexy, Petite, ready to have some fun, and make your night complete!! CALL ME!! 3185811417 - 30
(New Orleans, French quarter, nola,)
Review : 252295😃💎Diamond 💎 ☎CALL 443~206~6756☎ 🍒✳ In&Out; Callz ▶ NIC€ UpSC@L€ LoC@TION - 23
(New Orleans, New Orleans and surrounding area)
"Summer is here, the weather is Fine, You Be The Six I'll Be The Nine*Weekend Warriors call now!!! - 28
(Portland, PDX Airport Incall/Outcall Everywhere)
(ReaL SeXXXy GFE) ---> (ReaL PiCs) ---& SeXy KoReaN - Puerto Rican MiXxeD BeAuTy ----; 100% GFE - 20
(New Orleans)
ready now ........ Perfect PLAYMATE KILLER SKILLS Lets Play ......... ready now - 19
(wstbnk/ in & out)
Sexy💕 Kayla👸 Chocolate🍫 Drip💦💦 Drop🌰 Satisfaction🙈 Guaranteed😄 - 22
(New Orleans, West Bank, Westbank🏬 Manhattan🏡)
¤♥¤/ Y U M M Y ***** B O O T Y M E A T `%% T O T A L ^^ P A C K A G E ¤♥¤100 $ SPECIAL○•º - 24
(Los Angeles, LAX,Inglewood,LaderaHeight,CulverCity)
♥ Rapturous & exuberant Ebony girlfriend! ♥ Highly reviewed ♥ Downtown out call available ♥ - 27
(French Quarter / CBD, French Quarter; CBD; Garden District, New Orleans)
😽💦👅 👣Sexy italian doll...FQ INCALL💋 come get soaked💋 - 29
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, New Orleans ONLY)
☞ βRεαKFα§τ •★• I§ •★• §εRVεD!!! ⇲ώΗατ αRε ώαιτιηG fθR⇱ ☏₵αℓℓ τΗε βεδτ ηθϖ - 69
(New Orleans, LAPLACE U 2 M€ OR M€ 2 U KEN,MET,N.O.,WB)
NEW☞ Click Here!! ©:* WaRnINg! ! *:©:* ExXTrEmLY !!©:* !! *:©:* & AdDicTiVe ! ! - 21
New #216-315-3153 New LoCaTiOn UNforGeTable MoMeNtS!!! Birth-Day SuNdAy Wont SoMe CrEaMy Cup-CaKeS. - 24
(Near Harvard Off i-77 South)
MS.HUNEYDIP 4YOU ...... I'm SwEEt N Hot So sToP Clicking.. I know yoU'll eNJoy mY seRvice ......... - 24
***** SeXXXii ~ BLONDE ... plAyMate ... Hott and ~ WaiTiNg ***** - 19
(New Orleans/Metarie/French Quarter)
(( Specials )) +++ _______ A S I A N - P E A C H _______ +++ (( Specials )) - 20
(PDX i2O5 & Outcalls -)
S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥ *find OUT* - 21
(City of San Diego)
******** SEXY 5-STAR ******** BUSTY HOTTIE ****** 100 % ***** SEXY& JUICY **** specials - 22
--- Pick UP --- THe PHoNe ---&--- GeT ReaDy FoR The MoST --- E roTiC --- E xPeRieNCe --- E VeR --- - 24
(New Orleans)
SpANk Me * SuPeR FrEaKy & KiNkY ToP NoTcH LaTiNa!!! $80$ incall specials All DAY & NITE!! - 25
((Stunning Busty Blonde Knockout )) **Ready @ Willing **%Cum @ Get It %**$100 SPECIAL** - 25
(portland (airport area))
😍😍Something new! 👄Mesmerizing🙋🏼 & 👅Unforgettable Exotic babe - 23
(Pdx airport in call out call, Portland)
Outcalls! 100/200/400 ❤️💋Cookie🍪 & Honey 🍯💋❤️ Let US😍😍Cater to YOU !! We are🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥HOT🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - 21
(New Orleans, incall/outcalls 100/200/400)
******** Outcall Only >>>>> Asian Yuki
(Central City / Garden District, Mid-City, New Orleans, Outcall Only)
Mouthwatering Temptaion Waiting For Your Call! ✦216✦882✦0735✦ 100 Specials☑ - 21
(Cleveland, Outcalls)
mixed ebony 36 double dees... $60 special = 30 mins - 23
(Cleveland, incalls w.130th outcalls everywhere)
💕💕💕 OUTCALL 504-324-1833 👙👙👙 Chinese Girl 💋💋 NEW HOT BODY 💋💋 Asian New Arrived 💕💕💕~~~ - 22
(Central City / Garden District, French Quarter / CBD, Mid-City, New Orleans, Outcall Only)
★°o© {WoNt} °o© {U} °o© {PLAY} °o© {AnD} °o© {CoMe} ★°o© - 20
(New Orleans, French Quarter / North Shore / Kenner /)
▒ ╠╣OT █▒ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT ▒▒█ ♥ S—E— X—Y ♥ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ SEXY █▒ BLONDE █▒ BOMBSHELL!! Iin-out - 25
(New Orleans, french Quarter mid-city st.charles)
•°o♥o°• I ✯HAVE ✯ AMAZING ✯ T.U.N.G✯ SKLILLS ✯720✯448✯0771 •°o♥o° New Here For 1 Night OnLy ✯ - 25
♥~♥~ NEW ~ 50$ 50$ 50$ ~♥~ 1000% REAL PICS & Best Rates Around ~♥~♥ - 24
(New Orleans, New Orleans East)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around call now for a valentins day treat💗 - 21
(Cleveland, middleburg hts parma strongsville)
NEW PICS! MOUTH OF THE SOUTH! Verified Provider! Tall (5'10), Sexy, Italian BRITTANY! Well Reviewed! - 26
🌟🌟🌟 Let's make our own firework show!!! 🌟🌟🌟 - 22
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
¯`'.¸ ★¸. '´¯ NeW iN tOwN ! TaNnEd BlOnDe FuN aT iTs HiGhEsT ! ¯`'.¸ ★¸. '´¯ - 21
(New Orleans, Out near You !)
New in town.❤💯💯 REAL 📸📸'S❤..upscale openminded for upscale 👅👅 - 28
(Mid-City, New Orleans, westbank incall/upscale outcalls)
____ REady 4 An Experienced BLONDE You CAN only DREAM ABout ...... No RuSH SerVice _____ - 21
(South SD County)
Miss Terri ♡sexy ebony fun♡ (SLIDELL!!!) - 24
(New Orleans, northshore, Uptown / Carrollton, West Bank)
long hair flat stomach small waist nice Azz 36DD mariah real deal INCALL ONLY(westbank) - 22
(new orleans, West Bank)
★★★★★ V.I.P %% E X O T I C %% ♡ B E A U T Y & B OO T Y ♡ 2 SUPER FREAKS - 24
(Los Angeles, LAX & out)
💥Kellie🔥Tall 💞SEXY BBW💞Ready for you NOW!!💥💣Available 24/7🌟ASAP!! ss50 hhr70 - 28
(Cleveland, Strongsville motel✨🌟INCALL ONLY🌟)
Hey! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do... Good thing I absOlutely lOve do'n it what I do... - 25
Petite cutie😚😚💍with a big b💣💣th 😇jazmine in town now😎100 hour Special - 18
(Arrot terminal church st, Northeast, Philadelphia)
SPECIALS*** Experience With CLASS*** Mornin Noon & Nite 24/7** See 1 or both LETs have Fun - 43
(St. Louis, Metro East10 min. from down town St. Lu.)